Thursday, April 26, 2007

KQs Rock!

Ok,so I haven't posted recently.Actually,I've posted twice,then deleted them.I was going through some personal problems,and said problems surfaced in those posts.Since I really have no desire to be seen as a cry baby...I deleted

Things are going well in our forum league.YAY! We are currently in 1st place,and intend to keep it that way.Congrats to my teammates for an awesome performance in last nights games.Woot!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sound Off America !

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, is sending a few bills back to Congress to have them "revisited". Among those bills being "revisited" is... the Port Security Bill that Senator Fisk used to attach the Internet Gambling Bill to...and got it passed. Please voice your objections regarding this bill and how it was passed... Her email addy is: It is imperative that we all send an email to her voicing our objections to the gaming bill. Send this to your friends, your enemies and anyone you know who was directly or indirectly affected.

U.S.A. Players !

Welcome to OK USA Poker!

OK USA Poker is here to defend your rights to play online poker. As you may already know, the US congress has recently taken action to try and prevent Americans from playing online poker. The manner it which it was taken has millions of Americans outraged. We are donating 50% of our profits to help in the fight to protect online poker! So, when you play here, you will be helping the cause and helping to keep the ability to play online poker. Enjoy!

The Staff of OK USA Poker

OK USA Poker is pleased to announce our “no-fixed-expiry” 100% Initial Signup Bonus Program. Deposit money at OK USA Poker for the first time, and we will match that value into your Bonus Account. Just by having fun and playing Poker, you will be meeting the Release Criteria and be receiving deposits of $20 in to your Cash Account.
How does it work?
OK USA Poker will match 100% of your initial deposit and award you up to $500 Bonus Dollars. These Bonus Dollars will be automatically released to your Cash Account in increments of $20 for every 200 OK Points you collect.

What makes the Bonus so special?
There is no fixed expiry date. You are given 30 days to complete a $20 increment. That is: You have 30 days to clear your first $20 increment. Once you do this, the clock is reset and you again have 30 days to clear your next $20 increment, and so on. So please take your time and enjoy the site.
How do I earn OK Points?
1 point is awarded for each hand you play, where the minimum rake is $0.50.
1 point is awarded for each $1 in Tournament Fee.
Minimum deposit is $50. Maximum Bonus match is $500. Each $20 increment must be collected within 30 days of each other – meaning, once you collect a $20 increment, you have 30 days to collect the next $20 increment. This will continue until (i) you have exhausted your Bonus Credit, or (ii) 30 days has elapsed without collecting a $20 increment.

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Friday, February 9, 2007

I'm still here...

Well it's been a little while since I've posted on my blog. Haven't had a whole lot to say about poker,since I was going through this incredibly aggravating time of trying to deposit.
Which brings up the subject of the assinine law that is now in effect in the USA.As far as I'm concerned,it was just another example of special interest groups,getting their way,and the rest of us got screwed.Enough about that.

I have a wonderful friend who helped me with my depositing dilemma,and am now happily playing my tournys once again.Take that Bill Frist!

Season 11 of the forum League,will be underway soon,and my team The KingQuistadors have two new members. Welcome to Gene1047 and Hearts26! Looking forward to a fantastic new season, with the best damn team around.

See you at the tables and good luck!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The State of Poker : from the PPA

The State of Poker
By Michael Bolcerek, president, Poker Players Alliance

Tonight, in an annual tradition, the President of the United States will address the Congress, his cabinet and our country on the “state of the union” and the goals of the government for 2007. It is not likely the president will include the “state of poker” among his crucial national issues. Thus, I would like to take this moment to provide an update on where poker sits today and examine how you and the Poker Players Alliance (PPA) can continue to work together to preserve and protect the game we love.

As we know painfully well, poker has come under vicious attack over the past year. We continue to learn on a regular basis about home and tavern poker games being raided by law enforcement and how charitable Texas Hold ‘Em tournaments are being shut down. Perhaps even worse, we have seen the federal government’s full force efforts to curb this American tradition from the Internet. Legislation aimed at prohibiting you from funding your online poker accounts passed the U.S. House this summer, then was quietly slipped into a port security bill, literally in the dark of night, which was signed into law on October 13. During these troubling times, the PPA has given you a voice to express your opposition to the government’s intrusive actions and to rally in a united fashion against these constitutional incursions.

The impact has been jarring, as the largest, publicly traded online poker operators shut down services to U.S. players. While many reputable sites still offer services to U.S. players, recent actions to close down payment processors and to subpoena banks are clear indications that the federal government is aggressively pushing the online gambling prohibition.

We don’t have to tell you that a prohibition won’t work, and in fact will likely cause many more problems than it aims to solve. The unintended consequences will soon be apparent and all the good intentions of protecting children, helping problem gamblers, and ensuring the integrity of financial transactions will be lost as rogue sites and unregulated payment methodologies surface to replace the trustworthy operators the government is driving out of business.

The PPA is not standing idly by. Poker should be exempt under the new law and that exemption is our primary goal. I have spent a good portion of January in Washington, D.C., meeting with lawmakers and others to get support for legislation that would provide a “skill game” exemption for poker. We hope to have a bill introduced very soon and then bring to bear the voice of more than 135,000 members of the PPA to push Congress to do the right thing. This would be a very positive development for the game. For the past year, we have been on the defensive, but now is the time to go on the offensive and get a bill introduced.

This year we will also be taking the issue directly to Members of Congress in their home districts, to truly nationalize the debate. We had a tremendous response from our members about becoming PPA grassroots representatives on the state and regional levels. Soon we will be announcing our positions across the country and engaging U.S. Representatives and Senators where they used to feel safe from facts and spirited debate.

While we are working toward the short-term goal of a poker exemption, the PPA will also be laying the foundation for the eventual U.S. regulation of online poker. This is the only proven public policy for online gaming. Licensing, regulating, and taxing online poker is technically feasible and the sensible and fiscally responsible thing to do. We will be working with others in Washington to move Congress in this direction.

Finally, we not only rely on your active participation but also on your active support to achieve our goals. Our new site now offers no cost introductory annual memberships. Please help us build our membership to enable us to deliver a full house to Congress and stop further threats to our game. Tell your friends, family, and fellow players to become members of the PPA. We also offer an ability to upgrade your membership from introductory to full membership and beyond. Our new and improved Web site,, gives you tools and information to help our cause, as well as make it easier for you to donate to the PPA. I hope you will make a contribution at

2007 will be an important year for poker. With your help and continued support we are optimistic that poker will remain a great American tradition.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

U.S. Cracking down on Banks ?

HSBC, Dresdner Kleinwort, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank are among the banks which have been issued with subpoenas in a shock and owe crackdown on online gambling investors by the US DoJ.

THE US Department of Justice has ordered the world’s biggest investment banks, accountants and law firms to hand over all e-mails, telephone records and papers connected with internet gaming firms as part of an investigation into illegal online gambling in America, the Sunday Times reports.

According to Jenny Davie of the Sunday Times the subpoenas do not reveal whom the Department of Justice is targeting. But some believe the ultimate goal is to find information incriminating the founders of the online gambling firms.
This investigation is likely to ignite a confrontation of unparalleled magnitude between the United States and the United Kingdom governments.
"The Department of Justice has taken a shotgun, not a rifle approach in relation to lots of gaming companies and has just asked everyone to hand over all the information they have.” A source of the Sunday Times said.
All investors in publicly traded online gaming companies may be affected by this investigation, described as one of the biggest “fishing expeditions” ever undertaken by the Department of Justice.
The United Kingdom government is unlikely to seat by the sidelines and watch the Americans chase and arrest investors in the attempt to seize their assets.
The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, which seemingly sparked this investigation, contains exceptions which make it void and null in any international Court of Justice outside the U.S.
Exceptions such as interstate horse racing online betting and intrastate online gambling among others will contribute to repeal future money laundering charges, the U.S. DoJ preferred legal shortcut to obtain extradition of non U.S. citizens from other sovereign countries.
Interestingly enough the IRS allows illegal bookmakers to file their tax return imposing a 2% flat tax on the bookmaker’s handle (business volume) and guarantees that no information will be disclosed to other government agencies, making the U.S. government beneficiary of illegal proceeds and direct accomplice of the laundering of monetary instruments upon acceptance of taxes.
“The U.S. Department of Justice recent determination to catch up after 15 years of inaction should draw everyone’s attention.” A well known bookmaker who wishes not to be named told “What they are doing is directly linked to the exceptions contained in HR 4411 [The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act]. They [U.S. Department of Justice] are probably preparing the grounds for an onshore online gambling monopoly, making sure that no one other than the ones who originally lobbied for the exceptions will benefit from it.”
“Think about it, the DoJ resources aren’t unlimited.” Our source continued. “It takes someone very powerful to sponsor, promote and ensure that such wide range investigation gets off the ground.”
Needless to say current and former investors in publicly traded online gambling companies should not travel to the United States at any time and for no reason whatsoever to avoid possible legal consequences that may range from questioning to arrest.
Current and former investors should also be warned that the United States government may seek seizure of their assets in the United States.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So close...

I finished 18th in the 1000 freeroll last night. I am happy with the way I played,but disappointed I didn't make at least final table.I was getting great hands,and then nothing.With the blinds up to 4000/8000,I pushed 12K in with 99.I got called and lost to 10 10.Ouch!Would've rather lost to AA or

I think I need to take my friend Nokys' advice and shoot for higher buyins.I'm doing ok with winnings,but not really building the bank I want.To be continued...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Thought my streak was over....

but I was wrong.Phew!Sunday was a good day with league MTT and the Ladies tournament,but,the rest of the week looked bleak.Lost alot of my bankroll,with tourny buy-ins and trying my luck in the new 5 card draw.Yesterday was a good day both in tourneys and at the cash tables.I placed 2nd in a $200 freezeout(rivered or may have taken 1st) and I finished 4th in the $3 NLHE.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Season 10...

of the forum team league is under way.Saturday was the first MTT,and KQ's(my team)did great. I came back from last to finsh second,and my teammate carz990 took 1st.

Didn't do well in Sundays' SnG tho.We are in 2nd place at the moment.Scores are pretty tight,so will have to play our best game,to push out in front.

If this something you'd be interested in,check out and the forum,and join in the fun.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Another Win....

in the $3 Freezeout.Woot!

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Interview With Jennifer Harman

Interview With Jennifer Harman

By Steve Marzolf

Jennifer Harman has clinched two WSOP bracelets and despite her penchant for high-limit cash games, won more than $1.5 million in tournament play. Besides donning a Full Tilt jersey and writing a chapter in Super System 2, Harman tries to keep her free time free, but she parted with some of it to tell us about tough swings, the Corporation, and her fight with kidney disease.
Jennifer Harman

You grew up playing poker, so were you a total shark by the time you were in high school?

"No. I wasn’t. When I started going into casinos and playing when I was 16, I felt like I knew nothing. It was a real reality check because everybody was so much better than me. I had a fake ID, but actually, I never got carded. Isn’t that weird? I don’t know if I was winning for the first two years or not – I probably wasn’t. It takes a little while to learn those games."

Any wild tales of underage casino hopping?

"Not really. I remember one of my very first hands I played in texas holdem. Before I went to play in a casino, I went and watched one of my father’s friends play. I watched him for about two hours, sitting behind him, and I thought, ‘I can do this. I can play this game.’ So, the next day I was going to go down and play, but I had an eye doctor appointment first. I got to the casino, and my eyes were all dilated. We were playing seven-card stud, and I couldn’t even see the up-cards because my eyes were so dilated – everything was so blurry. Here’s my first time playing in a casino, and I can’t even see the cards."

So, did you essentially become a pro the day you turned 21?

"Not really. I had no plans to become a professional poker player. I wanted to move out of Reno, and I decided to go to L.A. and got a job as a bartender at this Japanese hotel downtown. I was working there for about three days, and I ran into a friend from Reno at the grocery store in L.A. He told me I had to go down to the Bicycle Club and play poker because these games were amazing. I went down there and immediately quit my job after five days and started playing poker. But, I never thought it about as my profession. I was just having fun playing poker and I would get a job later."

Was there a point where you did feel like a pro?

"Yeah, but it was years later – like 10 years. I was just having fun; that’s not a job. I was in L.A. for about two years; then I went to Maryland. I gave up poker for a year, started a business and went broke. So, I had to come back and play poker because I was in debt. I’d never been in debt in my life, so I borrowed some money and came to Las Vegas. I might get yelled at for this statement, but I feel like all players have to go through Las Vegas to become great players because it has the toughest competitors. That’s where you get your learning experience. I may be wrong, but that’s my opinion."

You’re also known as a cash game player, where most pros rarely play them and mostly play tournaments. Why do you stick with them?

"Cash games are what poker’s all about. To be a professional poker player means freedom, and that’s what cash games are – they give you that freedom. You don’t have to set your alarm, and you play when you want. You go on vacations when you want, and that’s the ultimate freedom. Whereas tournaments, you do have to set your alarm and take your dinner breaks and go back and do it again the next day."

What are the tradeoffs between tournaments and cash games?

"Tournaments vs. cash games … Tournaments can change people’s lives. They can win a big pay day, and their life is changed forever – tournaments are over $1 million for first place. It’s a small buy-in compared to the prize pool."

Tell us about the $4,000-$8,000 game at the Bellagio – that’s one of your regulars, right?

"Yeah. It’s way too high. It’s a big game; a lot of great players play in it. You always have to be on top of things and focused. I played until 5:30 this morning, although the game started at 10, so it’s not that bad. Everybody’s yawning, but they’re still on top of their game. You always have to be focused and read every player. It’s a very mental game, and it can be exhausting. But, it’s so competitive that it’s a rush when you play well or bluff players whose greatest strengths are reading players. Doyle Brunson, Phil Ivey, Daniel Negrenu – they all play it."

You said the limit is too high, how so?

"You see people lose a lot of money, and it can be painful. I’m sensitive. Sometimes it hurts you too when you see somebody lose that kind of money. And, it really hurts when you lose that kind of money. You just have to be really detached from money and think of it as chips. You have to have a lot of confidence to take those kinds of swings. I’ve lost $450,000 in one session and I’ve won about $470,000."

That’s like half a million in one night...

"You just try not to think about it. Please don’t say that: ‘half a million.’ That’s just one of the challenges. You can’t be attached to the money. You need a pretty big bankroll to play that game; I’m probably the poorest player at the table. If someone’s taking a shot, they could do it with half a million. If you’re ready to play non-stop … it just depends what you feel comfortable with. Some people would do it with $1 million and a half, others would need $5 million. It all depends."

What’s the deal with the Corporation and Andy Beal?

"Andy first came to town five or six years ago. He wanted to play $10,000-$20,000 at first, and nobody felt like they could afford him. And, he likes to play heads-up because he can play more hands; he got bored in ring games. So, we decided in order to make it fair for everybody, that we’d pool our money, have one person play him and take pieces of him. And, the Corporation has grown – from seven players to around 20. When we find out Andy’s coming to town, everybody has to post up and have their money there. If people are in Europe, they’ll make arrangements to get money to the Bellagio. It makes it a little chaotic for people when he comes to town. The bankroll depends on the stakes we’re playing and how much we decide to raise. The limits got up to $100,000-$200,000, but we only played that once."

You’re a two-time WSOP event champ – what advice do you have for amateurs jumping in for the first time this year?

"Get plenty of rest, eat well and stay focused. You’re going to have different decisions against different opponents, and the more you watch them and study them, the easier your decisions will be. In no limit, the biggest mistake I see is a player going all in instead of making a big raise that would be just as effective. They’ll risk all their chips instead of some of them. I think TV has a lot to do with it; especially if you’re a beginner, you have nothing else to go by. The poker on TV is mostly highlights, so it’s hard to understand the whole game."

When we talked to Annie Duke, she told us she gets lots of fawning email about how she should pose naked for magazines and all this stuff – do you have to fend off admirers in such a male-dominated game?

"I’ve been really lucky. The question I get from emails is ‘Will you marry me?’ Maybe I look like a wholesome girl, and they don’t want me to pose nude. The emails I get are more like people saying their proud of me and that kind of thing."

You wrote a chapter of Super System 2, what other projects are you working on?

"Nothing. I like to enjoy life, so I try not to make myself that busy. I might be working on a book about the psychology of poker, but I haven’t decided. The main thing I like to do is play poker, so that’s what I do. The other thing I love to do is be home with my family, so I play tournaments based on geography – what’s close to home? I go to charity events – I really believe in that kind of stuff."

Speaking of charity, you founded Creating Organ Donation Awareness, and have had two kidney transplants now?

"I’m trying to create donor awareness because a lot of people are dying, waiting for organs. People are undereducated on how important it is to give that kind of gift. It is truly a gift. My mother died from the same disease my sister and I have when I was 17. In 2004, I was under the knife during the main event. I wish I could have been in both places, but you have to set your priorities [laughs]. Going through stuff like that always makes you realize how everything is so important in your life. My health now is doing great. As far as I know, I’ll be at the Series this year, and I’m very excited about it. I’m going to take, like, two weeks off and go hang out in Tahoe beforehand so I’m nice and rested. The World Series is long."